High Blood Pressure Specialist
Internal Medicine & Board Certified Internal Medicine located in Sun City, Prescott & Phoenix, AZ
Internal Medicine & Board Certified Internal Medicine located in Sun City, AZ & Central Physicians Plaza, Phoenix, AZ
Often called the “silent killer” because it lurks unnoticed, high blood pressure is an elusive but potentially deadly condition. At Centra Internal Medicine in Sun City, Prescott and Phoenix, Arizona, Manish Sahni, MD, measures your blood pressure and helps you manage it if it’s high. To learn more about high blood pressure and find out if you have it, call or book your appointment online at Centra Internal Medicine today.
High Blood Pressure Q & A
What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is characterized by the force put on your blood vessels by your blood. In general, your blood pressure gets higher over time as your blood vessels weaken and gradually suffer damage. There are two types of high blood pressure:
Primary hypertension
Primary hypertension has no discernable cause but tends to develop with age. It may also be linked to eating a poor diet and not getting enough exercise.
Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure that is caused by other diseases and conditions. Secondary hypertension can be a byproduct of pregnancy, kidney diseases, diabetes, and sleep apnea, for example.
What should my blood pressure measurement be?
Your blood pressure level is represented by two numbers. The first number, called the systolic reading, represents the pressure of your blood on your artery walls when your heart beats.
The second, the diastolic number, represents the amount of pressure on your artery walls between heartbeats.
A normal measurement is 120/80 or lower, and higher measurements indicate that you have high blood pressure or are at risk of developing it.
How do I know if I have high blood pressure?
In its early and middle stages, high blood pressure doesn’t present symptoms. It’s nicknamed the “silent killer” because many people don’t learn that they have it until it causes a more serious condition. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to:
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Kidney disease
- Eye diseases
- Aneurysm
- Dementia
It’s important to get annual check-ups from Dr. Sahni so he can monitor your blood pressure, especially if you’re at risk because of your lifestyle or family history. If you don’t visit the doctor’s office often, you can check your blood pressure with machines at some pharmacies.
How can I lower my blood pressure?
After diagnosing your high blood pressure, Dr. Sahni creates a personalized treatment plan for you and helps you get started in bringing your condition under control. Your plan may include:
- Frequent monitoring
- Weight loss
- An exercise plan
- Dietary changes
- Quitting smoking
- Drinking less alcohol
- Stress relief
- Medications
Under Dr. Sahni’s continuing care, you can avoid the life-threatening conditions that unmanaged blood pressure causes. In turn, you enjoy peace of mind and a longer life.
Keeping track of your blood pressure levels could save your life. For help measuring and managing your blood pressure, call or schedule an appointment online at Centra Internal Medicine today.